Why Ryconn?
Choosing the right search firm as your strategic partner is an important and sometimes overwhelming decision.
After all, the candidates are the same aren't they? Shouldn't any good recruiter be able to just find & recruit them?
Our laser focus serving MedDevice/MedTech OEMs & Contract Manufacturers, combined with over a decade experience in search, plus our proprietary process, are just a few reasons you might want to consider our services.
At Ryconn, we have the tools, techniques & technologies to deliver results for your critical hiring needs!
Since we take a markert mastery approach, we have developed expertise in our niche, relationships with passive candidates, and we constantly recruit ahead of the need, to seek out new top performers. Bottom Line: we are networked
An open role costs your organization money. But we also understand that a mis-hire also carries a significant cost. Our search services get critical roles filled fast, but still with a great near term skills and long term culture fit to your company.
We know we must deliver superior candidates that will fit better & out-perform candidates found on your own. If you invest, we accept the challenge of delivering high ROI & offer robust replacement policies to protect your investment.
Our standard & custom offerings, along with our value added suite of services ensure each client & situation is set up for sucess. We welcome discussing your business needs & creating a custom tailored fit.